I decided to put the most popular rifle bags to the test. My conclusion: Each of these will help keep your firearms safe and protected. Read my hands-on reviews.

FYI, prices and ratings are accurate as of time of writing.
1. Savior Equipment - Tactical Rifle Bag

Highlight: Access to both rifles from the same zipper.
Helpful review: Some double rifle soft cases have a solid separator between the guns and require flipping the bag over to get to the other rifle, but not this one. Both guns are accessible by opening one central zipper. The rifles do not bang against each other due to a divider to keep each gun on its side.
This rifle bag, or shotgun bag, carries a rifle with a scope mounted without any problem. Even the short cases that hold an AR or something that size will fit a scope and all the add-on goodies. The case's interior uses a triangle pocket in each corner that the gun will slump into when the handles lift the case. These pockets will keep the gun even more secure. The case secures the rifle with two heavy-duty Velcro straps in place. The straps are designed to hold the gun at one-third of the way down the case. This is not gun-specific strapping; the straps cannot be moved to different locations.
The outside of the rifle case has three large pockets that will hold my shooting muffs, over-the-glass safety goggles, some warm gloves, and sandbags filled with cat litter. Hence, they are not too heavy to pick up the rifle case. If I fill this case with two rifles and all the stuff I take to the range, it may become so heavy that it is uncomfortable to carry.
Speaking of carrying the rifle case, mine is the long one to take whatever I strap into it, and it has a set of backpack straps and the standard shoulder strap. I thought the backpack straps might be overkill, and I would never use them until I went to a public range where I had to haul a bunch of stuff quite a way to the shooting bench. After that haul, I firmly believed in the idea of backpack straps. I have seen some videos of competition folks carrying guns in a case with backpack straps. These are the endurance competitions I find remarkable to watch from the recliner in the air conditioning.
I ordered another case in gray, and it looks really cool. It matches my super cool Sniper gray stock on the Remington 700 I bought. It's the only matching outfit I own. I usually buy stuff like this only in black, not because I am a 300+ lbs ninja or anything... it's so that it matches and does not look dirty as fast.
Get it from Amazon now: $99.99 & FREE Returns
2. Tacticon - Soft Rifle Case

Highlight: Outside magazine pockets and pistol holsters.
Helpful review: If the Swiss Army Knife company built a gun case, it would be this one. Since the Swiss did not move fast enough, Tacticon beat them to it. It's hard for me to figure out where to start on this review, so I will begin by discussing the part that carries rifles or long guns of any flavor.
This is the way to make a gun case. The double rifle compartment gives access to both rifles from one zipper opening. The center padding is double thick, and I know it is because there are two layers of padding. The corner pockets will hold the rifle when the handles pick up the gun case, and the rifles are held in place by two heavy-duty straps. This may be the only bad thing I will write about in this case, but I wish the straps had a padded side to sit against the gun. This case is made from 600D PVC Nylon material, and if it did not use a zipper, it might be waterproof, as it is now; this case will keep guns protected from rain but not scuba.
The outer pockets on this case have me nearly as twitter-patted as the gun compartments themselves. The outer pockets are sewn to a flap that will open; more on this in a second. The three outer pockets are oversized and will hold all the range gear with the rifles. The only thing I cannot put in a pocket is the tarp to lay on for prone shooting. If I folded it right, I am sure it would slide right in the middle with the rifles.
The outer flap I talked about before is not just a flap but a cover for the onboard magazine pouches, six of them, to be exact. They are made from a loop of heavy-duty four-inch wide elastic. They will hold everything from standard-issue metal magazines to the latest from the poly magazine makers. This area will store and protect magazines for the rifles and hold two tucked-away handguns in the center of the pouches, one on each side. The inside of the flap has even more storage in some large zippered pockets, where I keep my floppy yard work hat, which I call my boonie hat when I am at the range. The spirit of gunpowder gets to me.
The carrying handles are well-made and sewn with heavy-duty thread. As much as this rifle case can carry, it should be sewn with baling wire to ensure it does not come apart. The reinforcement on the stitching is fantastic, and I have no doubt this rare case will last longer than I will. Along with the carry handles, this case also has built-in backpack straps. They are zipped away in their outside pocket; if I don't take them out, they will never be in the way.
Get it from Amazon now: $109.95 & FREE Return
3. SKB - Breakdown Shotgun Case for 33.75" Barrels

Highlight: Custom designed for double barrel shotguns to travel safely.
Helpful review: This gun case is a hard case surrounded by a soft case. This is a great design. It makes the gun case look and perform like a soft case and protects the shotgun like a hard case. Nothing is going to get smashed unless my truck drives over it.
In its hard-sided build, this shotgun case works like a luggage-style case. Most hard-sided cases will look old and wear out quickly due to the unforgiving nature of hard-sided materials. The case's interior seems like soft nylon fur, for lack of a better word. Anyone who gets one of these must put some desiccant packs to ensure the gun does not get rust damage.
The outside of this case is made from soft case nylon materials, and they included some large zippered closed pockets for store range items. The pockets may carry some shotgun shells, probably out of the box and loose in the pockets.
The hard side case is held closed utilizing a zipper closure. Then, the hard materials will lock shut and comply with jurisdictions that mandate locked storage. Using hard plastic for the rigid material and nylon for the soft material makes the weight easy to manage and easy on the furniture as the gun is hauled out of the office and out to the truck.
The interior is made to remove the barrels (up to 32 inches long) and place them in a specific spot. The stock and receiver are placed in the formed area where they live, and the forearm is put in its place. There is even a space to put the choke tubes, so this gun is ready to do whatever it needs at the range or in the field.
To put this in simple terms, this thing is way too awesome not to win if someone owns a side-by-side or over-under shotgun. If someone in your world needs one, this is a perfect gift, and sweetening that tea a little more costs just over a hundred bucks.
Get it from Amazon now: $105.19 & FREE Returns
4. HUNTSEN - Double Rifle Case

Highlight: Inexpensive case to carry two rifles.
Helpful review: I ordered this rifle case to carry the M1 carbine that I got from my dad in the back of the truck. I found that the two rifle cases would fit the M1 carbine and a Mossberg 88 shotgun. The shotgun will only fit with an 18-inch barrel; the long barrel will not fit if attached to the action.
The case interior has two standard Velcro straps to hold the guns in place. This case does not have the triangle pockets to secure the firearm when being carried. The center does have a removable or, as I found, a sloppy floppy-fitting padded divider.
The case's exterior has a place to hold magazines, so this would be a good setup for an AR. I tried out my modified SKS with the handy for something unknown: side folding stock. The outside flap covers three magazine pockets that do an excellent job of containing the magazines, and it will keep junk out of the magazines, so they will be ready when the time comes. Ahead of the magazine pouch is a large zippered pocket that will fit some ammo in boxes or range gear. The large pocket is not very deep; it is long and wide for the most part. However, if I need to put something like hearing protection in that pocket, it will have to hold one side and let the other hang out of the pocket.
The case does have some Mollie strapping on the same cargo side. If I wanted to get some ammo pouches or a shotgun dump bag for used rounds or something like that, this would work just fine. The only hangup with the Mollie bags or carriers is that the Mollie items will most likely be the thickest and may catch on doorways, the back of a seat, etc.
Now for the best part of this double rifle bag: the price tag. I can carry two long guns for about thirty bucks, even though they have to be shorties.
This bag will be a good idea for holding shotguns destined to be the "truck gun," it will keep damage from the gun until the nylon wears out. On the other side of this good news, for about thirty bucks, the quality of materials is not the highest. This will work fine for everyday wear and tear and will not overload or overstretch the carrier. If I strap this to the front rack of the four-wheeler and head through the heavy bushes, it will not be in good shape when I return to the truck.
Get it from Amazon now: $29.99 & FREE Returns
5. DULCE DOM - AR-15 Soft Case

Highlight: Lifetime guarantee.
Helpful review: This gun case looks more like a professional's briefcase than a gun bag, and I love it. I got one of these to review and ordered a bunch to deliver custom-made guns to the new owners. The presentation is excellent.
The pockets on the outside and the main compartment areas are supported by padding to keep the nice and tight square profile looking sharp all the time. The colors available are the standard black, camo, tan, and a very cool-looking OD green. I'm not fond of OD green, but this one has my attention. I chose the tan color to deliver because the two-tone colors look better for a presentation job. The nylon is tan, and the piping and edging are dark brown and look great.
The handles are well made and stitched like they mean it; the setup will never wear out. The gun case also has some built-in backpack straps that fold away in a nice, tight, zippered pocket on one side.
The rifle compartment is well made and padded very well. Like most gun cases, the rifles are secured with two Velcro straps, and triangle pockets hold the buttstock and barrel when the handles carry the rifle bag. The main compartment is zippered closed, and it works like butter. The small pockets on the outside are zippered closed and held securely by clips and straps to ensure nothing moves.
Behind the outside pockets is a flap that will open with a zipper, and there are two large pockets to hold thin items. These pockets look to me to keep paperwork or maps, maybe. I don't think carrying a pistol would wear the case out, but it will push lots of pressure onto the guns in the main compartment, so I will not do that.
After my man's crush on this gun case may make everyone think the price is high, that could not be further from the truth. The price is less than fifty bucks. For a gift to a gun lover, this soft case cannot be beaten.
Get it from Amazon now: $39.99 & FREE Returns
6. Feastoria - Double Rifle Bag

Highlight: It easily carries two shotguns with sidesaddle ammo.
Helpful review: This gun case is impressive and made to hold stuff. It can hold more things in the pockets and add to the Mollie lops than it can hold together when carried. That statement is not a knock on the quality of materials but more about the ability to load more in one case than should be loaded outside of an old-fashioned steamer truck on wheels.
I got one of these in the short size, and now I feel dumb for not getting it in the long size. This gun case is impressive as well; it holds everything. And by that, I mean this case will have more stuff than I can pick up and carry down the long driveway to the range. So, I used the built-in backpack straps and made it anyway.
The rifle space is nice and padded; the center has a fixed-mount padded separator to keep guns from banging into each other. The standard two nylon Velcro straps hold the guns to each side, and the corners have triangle pockets to hold the buttock and muzzle when the handles lift the bag.
The outside pockets are large and thick. There is enough room to set magazines into them sitting sideways, so it will fit more magazines than most gun stores have on the shelf. The pockets are secured by zippers, straps, and clips. On each side of the pockets, there are heavy-duty Mollie loops that are tight to the case and will hold anything shot for the size of the old Kevlar helmet I once had.
Behind the pockets is a large flap that is also deep enough that a picture for the manufacturer shows an airsoft grenade in place. I think airsoft has grenades, or whatever they are called; they're big and fit. Again, this pocket can be overloaded and may cause damage after heavy use.
With this much built-in storage, the materials used are 900D Nylon, and it is needed. If I don't overload this bag, I think I could throw it in the back of the pickup truck, bang down the old logging, and fire roads by the cabin, and all that will happen to this rifle case is getting dirty. The stuff inside of the case will be fine, protected, and ready for use when we get there.
Get it from Amazon now: $59.99 & FREE Returns
7. Smith & Wesson M&P - Soft Gun Case

Highlight: Branded to match the Smith and Wesson M&P carbine.
Helpful review: It's a good thing Smith and Wesson did not overprice this gun case because they put their stamp on it. This is an OK gun case; it will keep the gun from getting surface damage, but not much more. I expected higher quality from a branded gun case.
The interior of the rifle case is padded, and it will open fully and lay flat on the table. This option allows the case to be used on rough outdoor shooting platforms to protect the shooter from the benches. The outside of the case is flat black, and the M&P logo is printed on the magazine pouches.
The magazine pouches are individual, and individual flaps cover them to keep the junk out of the goodies. The small pocket between the handle straps is an open pocket that I suppose could hold a wallet, so paying for range fees may be easier than putting the bag on the floor and getting my purse out from inside my pants, under my jacket, and so on.
This case reminds me of the old-school tweed-looking gun cases made to stick a gun in the carrier and pick up the straps. The saving grace of this case is the price; it costs around forty bucks and will do the job. I just wanted more from Smith and Wesson-branded stuff.
Get it from Amazon now: $43.99 & FREE Returns